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104 results found.


…and give important feedback to continue to set expectations. Doing performance reviews at least yearly is common practice and for…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Legal Issues

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post Of Shakespeare, Barnum, and Google News Posted: Jan 31, 2018

feed that desire. He had discovered a way to delight people and allow them to leave happier than before they…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Opinion & Editorial

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post ODA Leadership Institute set for March 23-24 News Posted: Jan 8, 2018

…people, support, expectations, feedback, and accountability. Attendees will then have the opportunity to attend two of the following breakout sessions…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, News

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post Shock and awe News Posted: Sep 2, 2015

…like tradesmen than scholars.  It is true that the behavior of some in our profession feeds into the issue, but…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Opinion & Editorial

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post Don’t miss ODA’s upcoming spring events News Posted: Jan 8, 2018

…sharing his behavior-driven model “The Leadership Pledge,” which focuses on people, support, expectations, feedback, and accountability. Following Luongo’s keynote presentation,…


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post Access Redux News Posted: Sep 5, 2012

…deficient families that drink only bottled water with no fluoride content, that feed kids candy and junk food just to…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Opinion & Editorial

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post In-office dental plans News Posted: Dec 2, 2013

…encourage dentists who have questions or concerns about these plans or have direct experience with them to provide the feedback…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Dental Insurance & Medicaid

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post 147th ODA Annual Session full of smiling faces News Posted: Oct 2, 2013

…Committee listens to the feedback that we receive from our attendees and exhibitors and tries to implement changes that will…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Annual Session

post Mid-year dental insurance issues environmental scan News Posted: Jun 26, 2013

…claims. It may be helpful for ODA members to provide feedback on these issues to the ODA’s Dental Insurance Working…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Dental Insurance & Medicaid

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post Save the Children from … Whom? News Posted: Jun 26, 2013

…reference to children. “Save them,” “Feed them,” “Adopt Them,” “Vaccinate Them,” do something, anything, but for heaven’s sake don’t ignore…

POSTED IN: ODA Today, Opinion & Editorial

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