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Jan 18 2021
The late Dr. Anthony Volpe was a pioneer in clinical dental research and preventive dentistry. In recognition of his efforts, he received the 2020 Callahan ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
It is human nature to assume the experiences, good and bad, of current circumstances are paramount in human history.  That makes sense, as our own experiences are what we relate most strongly. One must wonder if the population of Europe, Asia and the Middle East felt the same when a volcanic eruption caused massive, sudden climate change ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
As I write this column in the middle of December, Ohio has experienced another spike in COVID cases and the Christmas holiday is just a few days away. Like the Thanksgiving spike, experts are expecting another spike in cases due to Christmas and New Year celebrations despite pleas to limit such celebrations to immediate family. While the COVID ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
This is the first article of 2021 and an opportunity to bid farewell, I mean good riddance, to the crazy year that was 2020. With all of the unforeseeable hurdles that appeared in 2020, we are hopeful that 2021 will edge closer to normal at some point. The end of 2020 marked the end of the 133rd General Assembly. The start of 2021 will begin the ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
Effective May 1, 2020, CareSource transitioned the administration of the dental component of its Medicaid HMO product to DentaQuest. A number of issues have emerged as a result of this transition. Representatives of DentaQuest and the Ohio Dental Association, through the ODA Medicaid Working Group, have been working together to identify and then ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
Welcome to 2021. New year. Same virus. New vaccine. New hope! Many people loudly expressed that they wanted to bid adieu to 2020. As “adieu” is French for “goodbye forever,” I can certainly empathize with that emotion. Living on the west side of Cleveland for 30 years, I’ve become accustomed to the “Irish Goodbye” as an excellent ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
Had enough of politics and COVID-19? This column is a little different. I hope after reading it, you’ll feel better about the state and country we live in. My wife, Maureen, and I volunteered to be poll workers after reading pleas from election officials that fear of COVID-19 had diminished the ranks of those willing to work. It turned out to be ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
ODA membership dues were due Jan. 1, 2021 for the 2021 membership year. If you have not paid your dues, you are considered past due. Members can renew online at, by fax at (614) 486-0381, by mail to Ohio Dental Association, P.O. Box 734508 Chicago, IL 60673-4508 or by phone at (800) 282-1526. Renew your membership to ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
The Ohio Dental Association seeks members to fill potential upcoming at-large positions on ODA councils. The ODA is seeking nominations for at-large positions on the association’s Council on Access to Care and Public Service, Council on Dental Care Programs and Dental Practice, and the Council on Membership Services. Nominations for these ... [continue reading]
Jan 18 2021
ODA members can download and print employment posters from the ODA’s website for free. All employers are required to post numerous employment posters in their offices. To download the posters, visit These posters are only available to ODA ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.