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May 23 2024
Dentists who are new graduates, former ASDA members and current ODA members may be eligible to have their first year of malpractice insurance coverage prepaid by the ODA. Through this program, the ODA provides new graduates with their first year of malpractice coverage through MedPro at no cost to them (subject to underwriting guidelines).  ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
The annual ODA Foundation raffle is one of the primary sources of funding for oral health-related grants and scholarships. Raffle tickets are $100 each, three for $250 or six for $500. A maximum of 700 tickets will be sold. This year’s first place prize is $10,000 cash. The second place prize is 2025 tripartite membership dues paid or the ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Contact us first! The ODA is the primary resource for Ohio dentists. Most likely, we can answer your question or direct you to the appropriate source. Our staff members are experts in answering questions about insurance issues, regulatory compliance, legal issues and more. We’re available by phone or email to provide personal assistance as a ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
The Ohio Dental Association Jobs & Ads Board makes it easy to find and post job listings and other advertisements. Dentists looking for an associateship position, to buy a practice, to purchase equipment, or rent space can find listings on our Jobs & Ads Board. To view our Jobs & Ads Board, visit Ads are ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Last month we attended our annual Leadership Institute meeting in conjunction with the Ad Interim and Strategic Plan Review Committee meetings. I have always enjoyed ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Regular readers of this column know that non-compete clauses are regularly included in dentist employment contracts, and, as I have written in the past, employment contracts are far more common in dentistry today than in the past. Many young dentists enter their careers as employees when they graduate from dental school. Some of them will pay ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Dentists are well respected professionals and are trusted members of any community. As such, state law and the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (Code) place obligations upon dentists to report abuse and neglect at certain times. It is important for dentists to be familiar with the legal and ethical requirements surrounding ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Dental insurance is often instrumental in getting patients into a dental office because it assists them in paying for dental services they may otherwise not obtain. Dental insurance is also, unfortunately, a source of aggravation and frustration for dentists when certain claims for dental services are handled in a way that is disagreeable to the ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Spring is upon us! Warmer weather and hope for a bright future. As they say, April showers bring May flowers. And May brings … requests for letters of recommendation! Letters of recommendation play a critical role in the admissions process for dental schools and residency programs. They also are integral to the applications for positions as ... [continue reading]
May 23 2024
Have you heard of the author Stephen Covey? Probably. If you have ever perused the self-help aisles of the bookstore, the Covey family and their collective works are well-represented.  The classic book by the senior Stephen Covey, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,”1 is a leadership training mainstay. Like many motivational ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.