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Mar 1 2012
    “I’ll be shocked and disappointed and on the offensive. Unless something new arises from where we are today, it’ll be behavior (from me) you haven’t witnessed.”- Ohio State Director of Athletics Gene Smith stating what his reaction would be if the NCAA issued harsher penalties than what the ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    Communication: (n) a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. (       It’s sometimes amazing how things happen in multiples.  We’ve all had two or three patients die or ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
     Dale Carnegie warned us that “when dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”  With each passing year, I become more aware of the truth of that observation.      The continuing efforts of the Kellogg Foundation and other ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    The Supreme Court will soon decide whether the minimum coverage provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,  (cleverly called the “individual mandate” by critics), is constitutional. Under longstanding constitutional precedent, this requirement that everyone maintain a minimum amount of health ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    On March 26-28, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the legal challenge to the 2010 federal health care reform law.  While the court will consider several issues related to the Affordable Care Act, the main challenge is to the individual mandate, which requires virtually every American to purchase health ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    In one of his first acts as president, Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 into law. Now known as the “stimulus bill,” the legislation sought to provide a boost to the nation’s economy by funding infrastructure projects and other initiatives. One such initiative was the ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    Dental student Michael Pappas, Ohio State University College of Dentistry Class of 2014, is the recipient of the American Student Dental Association’s Ryan Turner Memorial Scholarship.      Mr. Pappas, whom ASDA called “a role model” for his peers, receives a $1,000 scholarship with an ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    The U.S Food and Drug Administration is warning dental and veterinary professionals to not purchase or use certain potentially unsafe hand-held dental X-ray units. The FDA is concerned that these devices may not be safe or effective and could expose the user and the patient to unnecessary and potentially harmful X-rays. The ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
    Generally, all states including Ohio have some type of unclaimed property laws that declare money, property or other assets to be abandoned after a period of inactivity. Abandoned or unclaimed property is not a tax, but as states become strapped for cash, it has become a significant source of revenue. Additionally in this ... [continue reading]
Mar 1 2012
Christopher A. Moore, MA - ODA Director of Dental Services      Two more third party administrators (TPAs) have begun using a controversial payment method as a means of reimbursing dentists who have provided care to patients covered by self-funded/self-insured benefit plans that utilize the TPAs’ administrative ... [continue reading]
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