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Aug 6 2012
     Last month’s U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding the Affordable Care Act could have a significant impact on dentistry in Ohio.  Twenty-six states, including Ohio, and the National Federation of Independent Business filed litigation challenging the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care reform ... [continue reading]
Aug 6 2012
     As the never-ending political season drones on, I’m always bothered by the fact that the best speech any candidate ever gives is their concession speech.  Time after time, when I hear the final address of a campaign, the losing candidate delivers the clearest, most focused words and I’m left shaking my ... [continue reading]
Aug 6 2012
 “Best safety lies in fear.” William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), Hamlet, Act I, sc. 3      I’m not afraid of losing the hundreds of pictures of my grandkids that I have residing on my computer’s hard drive. I know that they’re safe. The reason I know they’re safe is that I’m afraid ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
by Jackie Best      Coming to Columbus for the Ohio Dental Association Annual Session Sept. 13 through 16, 2012 can be about more than just the exhibit hall, continuing education, speakers and programs. It can also be about enjoying the dining, shopping, night life and attractions the city has to offer!      ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
by Jackie Best      The Ohio Dental Association recently launched an online version of generationD, an award-winning publication for dentists who have been in practice for 10 years or less.      The eNewsletter will be published quarterly in its own section on the ODA’s website, The ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
Dr. Nan Tertel, a general dentist in Toledo, is the ODA Annual Session 2012 General Chairman. Throughout the summer she will be sharing details on some of her favorite CE programs being offered during the ODA’s 146th Annual Session, Sept. 13 - 16, 2012, in Columbus.  This is her third installment. What can I learn at continuing education ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
     Dentists are beginning to evaluate what impact the State of Ohio’s restructuring of the Ohio Medicaid managed care program will have on their patients and practices.      In January, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) announced it had issued a request for applications (RFA) ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
The Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Protection (ODH/BRP), X-ray Registration and Inspection Program introduced an online reference and management system in August 2010. All business with ODH/BRP is now conducted online. Hard copy forms for amendment or application are obsolete and registration customers are directed to obtain an ODH ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
     Annual Session attendees will have the opportunity to share dental practice information and earn continuing education (CE) credit, as well as cash prizes, by presenting a Table Clinic at the 2012 ODA Annual Session.     Table Clinics, which are informal, interactive presentations that last up to 15 minutes, ... [continue reading]
Jul 10 2012
A walk through this year’s Ohio Dental Association Annual Session exhibit hall can be quite educational. With the ability to hear just a few of the world-class speakers at Annual Session, you cannot possibly be introduced to all of the new materials that are available.  The ODA attracts a sizable representation of the manufacturers sharing ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.