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May 30 2013
The ODA has something valuable to offer every dentist in Ohio – from information to advocacy to products and services to community involvement opportunities. Not only will membership in the ODA enrich your practice, it can also save you money.
Throughout this issue of the “ODA Today,” look for input from member dentists about the value of ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
David J. Owsiany, JD - ODA Executive Director
Recent studies show membership in professional associations across the country is less than it was in the past. The national trends in professional association membership have been in a downward direction for several years.
Additionally, we have all witnessed certain professions, including many in ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
The Cincinnati Dental Society and two Ohio Dental Association member dentists recently worked together to identify the body of a missing person and bring peace to her family.
“When her father found out he was devastated, but you could also see relief in his face,” said Vicki Nixon, executive director of the Cincinnati Dental ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
Nathan Prueter - OSU College of Dentistry
During the 2013 National Dental Student Lobby Day in Washington, D.C., on April 15 and 16, Ohio State’s American Student Dental Association (ASDA) chapter was awarded the Ideal Legislative Grassroots Network (LGN) Chapter of the Year.
This award honors outstanding achievements by an ASDA chapter in ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
On May 10, the Ohio Dental Association, Columbus Dental Society and The Ohio State University College of Dentistry hosted a Street of Dreams for 12 OSU dental students.
The Street of Dreams program gives students the opportunity to tour several dental offices in the Columbus area to learn about their options post-graduation.
Dr. Beth Loew took the ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
The Ohio Dental Association’s website, www.oda.org, recently received national recognition.
A keynote speaker at the American Dental Association Conference on Membership Recruitment and Retention, Sarah Sladek, author of the book “The End of Membership as We Know It,” featured the ODA’s website in her speech as an example ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
Keith Kerns, Esq. - ODA Director of Legal & Legislative Services
Membership in organized dentistry provides numerous benefits, from savings on products and services used in dental offices to CE offerings and networking opportunities. However, your membership also offers you access to valuable information on a variety issues, including ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
Christopher A. Moore, MA - ODA Director of Dental Services
The Ohio Dental Association has received a number of calls over the past year from ODA member dentists with questions concerning participating provider contracts they have entered into. The questions typically involve whether the contracting insurance company is allowed to administer the ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
This issue of the “ODA Today” is sent to every dentist in Ohio, whether you are a member or not. I could not pass up the opportunity to write a few words about membership in your professional organization and why you are important to us.
The most important thing that was necessary for me to become a member was for someone to invite me. ... [continue reading]
May 30 2013
So, why have a dental association anyway? I can get all the continuing education that I need online. I can get my insurance online too. From that gecko, or the duck, or even that girl Flo. All the news I need comes from my computer. I just need to go to work and take care of patients. Who needs to talk to other dentists? I can post my ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on oda.org are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on oda.org is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.