2,928 posts found
May 19 2020
ODA President Dr. Sharon Parsons donates excess gloves and masks to a local hospital. Many Ohio dentists and dental societies have donated excess PPE to their local hospitals or emergency management agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. “As most of you know, I donated some PPE from my office to help my medical colleagues,” said ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
As I write this column it is May 5 – Cinco de Mayo. It doesn’t necessarily feel celebratory today, but who knows? Maybe I will have a party of one this evening since we are still social distancing. Early in this pandemic, someone shared a quote with me that I want to share with you. “Adversity does not build character, it reveals ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
As I write this column in mid-May, most dental offices are just beginning to reopen to provide the full range of dental services following over a month of being shut down (except for emergencies) because of the coronavirus pandemic. While Ohio begins the process of trying to get back closer to normal, many more questions than answers continue to ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
Over the last few months I have spoken with many of you over the phone or through email. The one constant in all of those conversations is that change is inevitable. It seems like in the first few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic information could go stale between morning and afternoon phone calls. It seems that every time we get information to ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
Even before Ohio dentists were permitted to re-open their dental offices to provide more than just emergency only dental care, there was much discussion about the increased costs that dentists would incur in order to provide dental care in the current and post COVID-19 era. These discussions have involved not only increased costs but also ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
I was cleaning out my office over the weekend and came across pictures of my old office, circa 1988. Smiling in a bout of nostalgia, I had a revelation. Let me explain …
After graduation and a year’s general practice residency, I purchased the practice of David Pearson, DDS, in Berea, Ohio. Dr. Pearson was a past president of the ODA ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
Much information has been shared with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. The different agencies tasked with informing us offer what little they know in an attempt to protect us from this unseen enemy. Their mantra seems to be “we are doing these things in an abundance of caution.” In an abundance of caution, well where does that leave ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
As we are in the midst of our new reality as a result of COVID-19, I find myself and my team working together to move forward. As all dentists in Ohio are forced to forge their own path forward during this public health crisis, the true colors of our office culture will emerge to either help or hinder us. Whether we realize it or not – ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
In 2015, after 25 years in private practice, I closed my office to assist with the development and opening of a new dental clinic at the Summit County Health Department, where I serve as the dental clinic director. The clinic offers comprehensive care to a large Medicaid population, as well as self-pay and private insurance patients.
I began ... [continue reading]
May 19 2020
The U.S. Department of Labor has released a new poster that employers are required to post as of April 1, 2020. The new poster provides information about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
The ODA provides this and all other required posters for free to ODA members as a benefit of membership. To download the poster, visit ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on oda.org are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on oda.org is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.