ODASC supports dental offices by offering discounts on high quality products and services
The Ohio Dental Association Services Corporation (ODASC) works on behalf of member dentists to endorse products and services and secure discounts for ODA members. ODASC focuses on the main “pain points” for dental offices and the things that dentists say they need.
“When you’re looking for a product or service for your office, check with ODASC first,” said Dr. Thomas Matanzo, chair of the ODASC Board. “The ODASC Board has done the research and endorses only high quality products saving you time, and we have secured discounts for ODA members to save you money. Many members report that by utilizing ODASC-endorsed products, they are able to save enough money to cover the cost of their membership dues.”
Some of the ODASC-endorsed product discounts include:
- Receive a 5% discount on professional liability insurance.
- Receive a 10% discount on disability income insurance.
- Reach the highest possible discount on Workers’ Compensation.
- Receive a discount on electronic insurance claim management and pay only 25 cents per claim.
- Save $275 per year on automated patient communications.
Other products endorsed through ODASC include credit card processing, interpretation services, websites, waste disposal services, amalgam separators, disinfectants, a spore check system, whitening gel and more. Each product has been fully vetted and tested by the ODASC Board.
One of the biggest “pain points” that ODA members report to the ODA is access to a quality health insurance plan with affordable rates. The ODA’s health benefits plan, the ODA Wellness Trust, was created to solve this problem.
One of the most popular features of the ODA Wellness Trust is its large network of providers. The ODA Wellness Trust has contracted with Medical Mutual of Ohio to access its broad health care provider network. Medical Mutual’s SuperMed PPO Network is a statewide network that includes nearly every health care provider in Ohio and 99 percent of the hospitals.
Dentists and their staff members who are looking for individual health insurance in the marketplace may find that the doctors and health care providers they would like to see are not in network for the plans available, and on many of these plans there is no coverage for out of network providers.
The Medical Mutual network for PPO plans like the ODA Wellness Trust is more extensive than their individual plan. Through the ODA Wellness Trust SuperMed PPO, dentists and their employees can access the doctors and hospitals they know and trust.
By joining the ODA Wellness Trust, dentists and their staff members gain access to this wide network of providers. Employer dentists can offer access to this plan without having to pay a penny; the employer is not required to make any contribution to their employees’ costs.
ODASC staff members also help with many of the administrative burdens of offering a health benefits plan. When a dentist or their staff members have a question about their coverage, they are able to call the ODA and speak directly to a person who can help them through every step.
ODASC staff members are not paid on a commission, and they have dentists’ best interests at heart. Call an ODASC representative at (800) 282-1526 for details about the ODA Wellness Trust and other benefits available to members at a discounted rate. Or visit www.odasc.com for details on products and services or www.odawt.org for details on the ODA Wellness Trust.