The American Dental Association is now providing Mayo Clinic’s Well-being Index free to all members. Through the Well-Being Index, members can do a fast and easy check-in of their physical and mental health and get personalized resources.

The Dental Well-Being Index is a validated self-assessment tool invented by Mayo Clinic that measures multiple dimensions of distress and well-being, including quality of life, fatigue and burnout to:

  • Anonymously measure well-being in less than 1-minute.
  • Predict risk of distress over six dimensions.
  • Provide immediate resources to participants.
  • Track progress over time.

The online assessment contains nine simple yes/no or slider-scale questions and takes less than 1 minute to complete.

After completing the assessment, a list of customized resources will be available based on your results. Resources include helpful links, videos and documents to help improve your well-being.

The assessment can be retaken to see how your state of mental health and well-being changes over time. Reassessing every 1-3 months empowers you to better understand how your well-being shifts over time and see how specific events affect your well-being.

The Well-Being Index is 100% anonymous. All data is stored in secure cloud servers and provided to administrators in de-identified aggregate format. Individual scores and data are never revealed to institutions.

To access the Well-Being Index and other wellness resources from the ADA, visit