Component Dental Society Resources

Access assistance for dental society recruitment and retention efforts.

Member-to-member contact is the proven, most successful form of outreach.

The Ohio Dental Association provides member dentists and local component societies with resources to help with recruitment and retention efforts.

Component Society Resources

The ODA provides the following resources for component dental society officers to use:

  • Sample Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Sample Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
  • Sample Installation of Officers Script
  • Collaboration Between ODA and Component Societies

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Component Dental Society Recruitment & Retention Grants

The ODA is offering Component Dental Society Recruitment Grants for 2025 initiatives.


Membership Recruitment and Retention Toolkit

The ODA Membership Recruitment and Retention Toolkit provides dentists and local component societies with resources such as scripts, talking points, and email templates for reaching out to non-members and non-renewed members about joining the tripartite.

 Membership Recruitment and Retention Workshop

The ODA offers a Membership Recruitment and Retention Workshop for local component societies where attendees will learn about local trends and challenges and participate in an outreach skills training session. This workshop will provide attendees with the skills and resources they need to successfully reach out to non-members and non-renewed members.

Membership Award Program for Success (MAP)

The ODA has launched the Membership Award Program for Success (MAP for Success) to reward component dental societies for effective outreach.

Membership Benefits News

ODA membership dues are due Jan. 1, 2025 for the 2025 membership year. Members can renew: Online at By fax at (614) 486-0381. By mail to Ohio Dental Association, P.O. Box 734508 Chicago, IL 60673-4508. By phone at (800) 282-1526. Renew your membership to continue receiving access to all the Ohio Dental ... [continue reading]
The ODA Leadership Institute is the ODA’s award-winning program that provides attendees an opportunity to build their leadership skills and learn about updates on issues important to dentistry in Ohio. More than 200 ODA members attend this yearly event which is free for all ODA members, dental students, and dental residents as a benefit of ... [continue reading]
Membership dues statements and electronic renewal notices were recently sent out to ODA members. Members who indicated previously that they prefer to receive membership communications electronically will not receive a paper statement in the mail and will only receive e-notifications. Dues are due Jan. 1, 2025, for the 2025 membership year. Renew ... [continue reading]