The Ohio Dental Association has partnered with dental clinics, access to care programs and other special events to help ODA members find volunteer opportunities in your local community.
Dentists who volunteer to provide free care with one of our qualified partners can earn volunteer CE credits. The ODA Volunteer Connection is a comprehensive list of programs in Ohio where dentists can earn volunteer CE.

Dentists: Earn Volunteer CE!
Dentists can earn up to one third of their biennium CE requirement through volunteer CE at a rate of one hour of clinical volunteer service equating to one CE credit hour. Clinics, programs, and events listed on the ODA Volunteer Connection have been vetted for qualification for volunteer CE before the program is listed on the webpage and are annually evaluated to ensure they remain qualified. The organizations and programs must also remain in good standing with the ODA in order to continue to be listed as Volunteer CE Partners.
When a dentist volunteers with one of the listed Volunteer CE Partners, that program is responsible for tracking the dentist’s volunteer hours and reports that information to the ODA periodically. The ODA will provide dentists with CE slips (unless noted that the volunteer program will be providing their own CE slips). CE slips may take several months following the dates of volunteering to arrive in the mail depending on how frequently the program provides volunteer hours to the ODA.
Organizations: Become a Volunteer CE Partner!
If your organization has a program that provides free dental care to underserved Ohioans utilizing volunteer dentists, apply to be a Volunteer Connection Volunteer CE partner with the ODA!
Volunteer CE Partners must periodically provide dentist volunteer reports for the ODA to provide CE slips to volunteers, report annual program data, and confirm volunteer CE eligibility in order to maintain Volunteer CE Partner status. Only Volunteer CE Partners will be listed on the ODA Volunteer Connection webpage.
Benefits of becoming a Volunteer CE Partner
- Utilize our Approved Volunteer CE Partner logo on your website and dentist recruitment materials.
- Information about your volunteer opportunities will be listed on the ODA website.
- We will promote volunteer opportunities to ODA members to help you recruit new volunteers.
- We help reduce your administrative burden by providing CE slips to your volunteers.
The ODA reserves the right to deny a volunteer opportunity listing at its discretion. The ODA does not guarantee that organizations or programs listed on the ODA Volunteer Connection webpage will receive volunteers.