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463 posts found

Dec 9 2014
Some life events are instantaneous while others are gradual, but most things that happen in our lives come with a warning. A couple of months ago I went to my 50th high school reunion. I had attended my 10th gathering and afterwards swore I’d never go to another. However, aging changes one’s perspective about certain situations. I ... [continue reading]
Dec 9 2014
In a world where the number-one cable television show is a post-apocalyptic thriller about a virus that creates reanimated corpses, it was easy to get caught up in Ebola hysteria. Many of our number in the ODA are well-immersed in the culture of public health; certainly all of us are scientists to some extent. With that thinking, we all knew ... [continue reading]
Nov 5 2014
We have a contagion loose in America that spreads faster than Ebola – and presents a greater risk.  That pathogen is fear.  Together with its primary symptom (panic), fear grips a population, spreading like wildfire fanned by the incessant media coverage.  The end-stage result is irrational behavior and poor ... [continue reading]
Nov 5 2014
I just returned from America’s Dental Meeting 2014 in San Antonio where I had the honor of serving as an alternate delegate from Ohio and the Seventh District in the ADA House of Delegates. I was impressed by the ADA’s effort to become a strategically driven organization much like we did at the ODA a few years ago. My hat is off to Dr. ... [continue reading]
Oct 7 2014
Dr. Thomas Paumier began his term as Ohio Dental Association president at the ODA House of Delegates (HOD) in September. In this Q&A with "ODA Today," Paumier looks forward to his term. What are some of the issues you expect the Ohio Dental Association to face during your presidency? How do you think the ODA should address these issues? As we ... [continue reading]
Oct 7 2014
I recently came across a couple of reports that made me stop and think. A NY Times story on Sept. 11, 2014 by Judith Graham entitled “In the Emergency Room, A Hidden Ailment” caught my attention. The article pointed me to a study done by researchers at the University of North Carolina. The authors found that many seniors who seek care ... [continue reading]
Oct 7 2014
Imagine dentistry in Ohio without a strong Ohio Dental Association. Who would be our voice in the state legislature when non-dentists try to regulate or tax our profession in irresponsible ways? Who would you call when you have issues with an insurance company or a regulatory agency? Who would you depend on for services such as health insurance, ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
My apologies to Robert Fulghum, whose book title, "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten," I paraphrased for this, my last message as ODA president. Dental politics being as it is, the experience of volunteer leadership can take many forms, from programmed perceived professional participation, to just wanting to make a difference. In ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
Columnist Frank J. Fleming made a point that I found very interesting. Recently, he wrote: “Here’s how articles written about science should read in the future: ‘Some guys say there’s oil on Titan.’ ‘Some guy has some new ideas on the effects of cholesterol on the human body.’ ’97 percent of some ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
Well, it's Fall and some weather forecasts are indicating the Midwest is going to experience another series of Polar Vortexes this winter. If so, these two years have been quite a change from the norm. Speaking of change, it has been six years since a majority of Americans, that bothered to vote, cast their ballots for “Hope and ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.