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463 posts found

Mar 6 2015
There are two “givens” in my life ... now! The first one is: I WILL WALK THROUGH HOT COALS TO PROTECT MY GRANDCHILDREN The second one is: I WILL GIVE MY OPINION ABOUT MY GRANDCHILDREN’S WELFARE ... NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE I realize many of you can relate to the first edict but may be uncomfortable with the second one. ... [continue reading]
Mar 6 2015
Dear Granola Mom, Hello, it’s me, Dr. Kara, your friendly, compassionate pediatric dentist. I write to you today in support of fluoride, dental sealants and radiographs as beneficial components of your child’s overall dental care plan. I am grateful that you have sought care in my office.  I am here to listen to your concerns, and ... [continue reading]
Mar 6 2015
This editorial, reprinted with permission, originally appeared in the November issue of the Oklahoma Dental Association Journal. This article was submitted to the ODA Journal anonymously to protect the identity of the author. April 29, 2011, was a very special day in my life. No, it’s not my birthday or anniversary. It’s not my ... [continue reading]
Mar 6 2015
I recently took a course on dental coding from a dental consultant who discussed a conversation he had with a top level insurance executive. He said that the executive stated that so long as dentists continue to sign up in ever-increasing numbers to his preferred provider organization dental insurance plan, he saw no need to increase the ... [continue reading]
Jan 29 2015
“US News and World Report” recently released its list of “The 25 Best Jobs of 2015.”  To great fanfare and celebration, media outlets around the country crowed that dentists topped the report.  The study authors said of dentists that they “deftly balance patient care with turning a profit.”  ... [continue reading]
Jan 29 2015
Happy New Year from the desk of the Happy Dentist! Last year, through four separate columns, I spoke of poignant points in my life, sharing some of my philosophies and life choices that I think have contributed to some life successes. So this year, the theme of my column will be to explore the uncontrollable. My opinion, which is also shared by ... [continue reading]
Jan 6 2015
At this time last year, 2014 was set to be a year of great change.  Two children were scheduled to graduate from college, Caitlin with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Duquesne University and Mike with a BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences from The Ohio State University.  The year passed in a flash and everything went according to ... [continue reading]
Jan 6 2015
Those of you that just graduated from dental school need to grasp what I’m writing ... NOW! The next 40 years is your time!!!! Many older members of our profession often refer to the last quarter of the 20th century as the “Golden Years” of dentistry. I personally think the next quarter century will also be “Golden.” ... [continue reading]
Jan 6 2015
A couple of months ago, my home’s aging drain pipes experienced some constipatory problems on a Sunday morning, prompting me to call for help before my basement assumed a decided aromatic earth tone. I didn’t turn to our family’s trusted plumber of 25 years, but to a roto-franchise. It wasn’t that I felt that Bob, our ... [continue reading]
Dec 9 2014
Research presented at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting on Nov. 17 has indicated that a lack of trust among community members, front line health care workers, and the medical system as a whole led to the widespread Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Timothy Roberton, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University, said, ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.