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May 3 2018
The Ohio Department of Health has announced that it has identified funds for the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years to assist a limited number of Dental OPTIONS patients who have been on a waiting list to receive dental care while the program was on hold. “We have over 1,000 people who are on the waiting list who have been on the waiting list for two ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
Editor’s Note: Dr. Elizabeth Mueller, a pediatric dentist in Cincinnati, is the ODA Annual Session 2018 general chairman. Throughout the year, she will be sharing details on some of her favorite CE programs being offered during the ODA’s 152nd Annual Session, Sept. 13-16, 2018 in Columbus. Here is her fourth installment. He is much ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
Sterilizer monitoring includes a combination of process parameters to evaluate the effectiveness of the sterilization procedures. Biological monitoring is the standard for assuring proper sterilization of dental instruments. What are the requirements in Ohio? In the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 4715-20-02(A)(4), the Ohio State Dental Board ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
The ODA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the ODA, recently created the Annual Circles of Impact, which are annual donation levels to the Foundation. “The Annual Circles of Impact were established as a creative way of visualizing the effect a certain annual giving level has. Donors are able to multiply their impact by moving upward toward ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
Recent news stories in the Daily Mail, New York Post, Men’s Health and Fox News suggest your dentist may start asking about your sex life. Why? Because transmission of two strains of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV-16 and/or HPV-18) through intimate contact may lead to the development of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC). This type of cancer occurs at the ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
I am amazed when I hear that a dentist is not a member of the Ohio Dental Association and the American Dental Association. Studies have shown that the most common concerns for not being a member are, “What does the ODA/ADA do for me?” or “It costs too much.” The first excuse is regarding the question, “What does the ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
A recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics shows a significant decreasing trend in the prevalence of dental caries for youth in the United States from 2011-12 to 2015-16. According to the report, based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 43 percent of children ages 2 to 19 showed the presence of ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
All states including Ohio have some type of unclaimed property law that declares money, property or other assets to be abandoned after a period of inactivity. Abandoned or unclaimed property, although not considered a tax, has become a significant source of revenue for many states. Additionally in this information age, states have become much more ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
A number of Ohio Dental Association members have contacted the ODA over the past year regarding their concerns with how Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana (Delta Dental) has processed their periodontal scaling and root planing claims. The complaints have typically involved a claim disallowance, which means the claim is denied and the ... [continue reading]
May 3 2018
After years of extolling the powers of positive thinking, this month I’ll take a walk on the dark side and look at the world upside down.  Many of my high school classmates are teachers.  As we approach the 39th anniversary of my graduation from Mentor High School, a significant number of my closest friends have either already ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.