2,625 posts found
Jun 14 2018
House Bill 367 - legislation that would prohibit dental insurance companies from setting fees for services that they do not cover - has passed the House Insurance Committee with a 7-4 vote! The legislation now goes to the full house for consideration.
House Bill 367 was introduced in the Ohio House by Rep. Anthony DeVitis along with 11 ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
Tobacco cessation can be a difficult topic to discuss with patients. But as health care providers, dentists and dental team members can be at the front line of helping patients quit smoking and improving their oral health and overall health, according to tobacco cessation experts. “We know as health care providers, not just as dentists, that ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
The ODA Ad-Interim Committee passed an Interim Policy on Opioid Prescribing at its meeting in March.
The policy supports Continuing Education for dentists in prescribing opioids and other controlled substances.
The policy also supports statutory limits on opioid dosage and duration of no more than seven days for the treatment of acute pain, while ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
The American Dental Association's consumer website, mouthhealthy.org, features a Find a Dentist section. The tool allows patients to search by geography, dental benefit plans and specialty. Last year, more than 1.7 million patients visited the Find a Dentist site.
“One of the complaints from dentists that the ADA took into consideration was ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
Ohio Dental Association member dentists created the ODA Wellness Trust several years ago to meet the needs of dentists and their staffs amid rising health insurance costs.
As the health insurance marketplace has become more and more restricted and continues to have a shortage of quality products, the ODA Services Corp. (ODASC) has made it a ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
Annual Session attendees will have the opportunity to share dental practice information and earn continuing education (CE) credit, as well as prizes, by presenting a Table Clinic at the 2018 ODA Annual Session. “Come share your knowledge and experience with dentists and specialists alike at the 2018 Table Clinics at the ODA Annual Session,” ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
Editor’s Note: Dr. Elizabeth Mueller, a pediatric dentist in Cincinnati, is the ODA Annual Session 2018 general chairman. Throughout the year, she will be sharing details on some of her favorite CE programs being offered during the ODA’s 152nd Annual Session, Sept. 13-16, 2018 in Columbus. Here is her fifth installment.
One of the ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
At the 2017 ODA House of Delegates I formed a Task Force to investigate how the ODA could benefit our members by offering products and services to improve our dental practices. The DSO Task Force is chaired by Dr. Tom Paumier, a past president of the ODA. Other members include Dr. Dale Ann Featheringham, Dr. John Kramer and myself. We also receive ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
During the ODA's Leadership Institute in March, ADA President Dr. Joe Crowley and ADA Director of Practice Management Resources and Strategy Dr. Betsy Shapiro gave a well-received presentation on the ADA's Center for Professional Success. The Center is designed to provide practice support to help member dentists succeed. Attendees of the ... [continue reading]
Jun 14 2018
The ADA's Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (Code) require dentists to respect the patient's rights to self-determination and confidentiality. Section 1 – Principle: Patient Autonomy of the Code “expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to treat the patient according to the patient’s desires, within the bounds ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on oda.org are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on oda.org is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.