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467 posts found

Oct 7 2014
Imagine dentistry in Ohio without a strong Ohio Dental Association. Who would be our voice in the state legislature when non-dentists try to regulate or tax our profession in irresponsible ways? Who would you call when you have issues with an insurance company or a regulatory agency? Who would you depend on for services such as health insurance, ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
My apologies to Robert Fulghum, whose book title, "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten," I paraphrased for this, my last message as ODA president. Dental politics being as it is, the experience of volunteer leadership can take many forms, from programmed perceived professional participation, to just wanting to make a difference. In ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
Columnist Frank J. Fleming made a point that I found very interesting. Recently, he wrote: “Here’s how articles written about science should read in the future: ‘Some guys say there’s oil on Titan.’ ‘Some guy has some new ideas on the effects of cholesterol on the human body.’ ’97 percent of some ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
Well, it's Fall and some weather forecasts are indicating the Midwest is going to experience another series of Polar Vortexes this winter. If so, these two years have been quite a change from the norm. Speaking of change, it has been six years since a majority of Americans, that bothered to vote, cast their ballots for “Hope and ... [continue reading]
Aug 26 2014
Popular culture, and the mainstream media it supports, is fond of labels. You needn’t look far to see complicated issues, places or people summarily reduced to a catchy, one-or-two word descriptor. Soccer Mom. Workaholics. Tree-huggers. Dentites. Labels are easy to remember, occasionally humorous, and utilize much less print space than a ... [continue reading]
Aug 7 2014
If you read my presidential messages faithfully (don’t worry, I can get you back copies), you know that I believe access to care for all Ohioans is our biggest challenge as an association, whether we want it or not! I hope we have all moved past the cynicism that the oncologists aren’t blamed for cancer or the cardiologists for heart ... [continue reading]
Aug 7 2014
There’s an ad running on the radio now for a local nursing school.  It’s one of the for-profit programs that is not connected to a university or hospital.  This program’s emphasis is on “getting you done faster” and out of school and working in less time.  The ad entices potential students by claiming ... [continue reading]
Aug 7 2014
July 11 was an exciting day at our house, as I am sure it was for many Northeast Ohioans. At 12:41 p.m. I received a text from my husband that King James was finally coming home! As a mom of four previously heartbroken Cavs fans, I immediately joined the fervor that was to be a part of all media headlines and is still lingering today even 15 days ... [continue reading]
Aug 7 2014
My wife and I were fortunate enough to welcome a little girl into our lives about six months ago.  As many of you who have children already know, our lives have started to change considerably.  My golf handicap is creeping upward, our leisurely dinners have shortened and I am doing a lot more laundry.  Everyone seems to be ... [continue reading]
Jul 2 2014
RAC stands for Recovery Audit Contractor and is a little-known provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires states to perform audits of its Medicaid providers. The intent is to weed out fraud and inappropriate billing for services, even with no malicious or fraudulent intent, and return that money to the state and federal government. ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.