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467 posts found

Dec 11 2015
I just returned from America’s Dental Meeting, the ADA Annual Session, in Washington, D.C. I had the chance to meet with old friends and make new ones, as being in a city full of dentists is one of the singular pleasures of the ADA meeting. While there is a tremendous diversity of opinion among dentists about the future of the profession, ... [continue reading]
Dec 11 2015
Most every portion of a human’s anatomy has some type of implied ratio, average measurement (metric or inches) or classification by shape. The distance between the pupils of our eyes is the most critical measurement currently being used by Interpol and the NSA. Yes, we’re being measured! There are even studies about head size and its ... [continue reading]
Dec 11 2015
If you are old enough to have watched “Seinfeld,” back in the 1990s, you may be familiar with the term “anti-dentite” which was the theme of an episode poking fun at dentists and society’s negative view of the dental experience. We were represented by the veteran actor, Robert Wagner, and Bryan Cranston, most recently ... [continue reading]
Nov 10 2015
In October 1985, the movie “Back to the Future 2” was released, sending Marty McFly into the distant future – Oct. 21, 2015.  Media celebrations of that anniversary led to fun evaluations of what the movie’s writers had predicted correctly and what they had missed.  Amazingly, they had correctly forecast the ... [continue reading]
Nov 10 2015
So this year was my 20 year reunion of my dental school graduation. When it comes to these things, I am a true “reunion aficionado.” Last year I went to my high school reunion in Toronto, Canada. I still keep in touch with some elementary school friends and we try to meet once every two years. I’m not sure whether my need to ... [continue reading]
Oct 12 2015
Dr. Chris Connell began his term as Ohio Dental Association president at the ODA House of Delegates (HOD) in September. In this Q&A with “ODA Today,” Connell looks forward to his term. What are some of the issues you expect the Ohio Dental Association to face during your presidency? Membership continues to be a high priority for ... [continue reading]
Oct 12 2015
I spent an enjoyable evening at the Callahan Celebration of Excellence on Friday evening at the ODA Annual Session.  It is the opportunity for the association to recognize deserving individuals for their efforts on behalf of all of us in the profession.  Each year I am humbled by the generosity and caring exhibited by so many in our ... [continue reading]
Oct 12 2015
Recently, I performed a ridiculously unscientific poll of some of my general dentist colleagues. I was curious – at what age, roughly, do dentists wish to see a child for their first dental exam? I quickly and surprisingly learned that few of my buddies saw children or recommended referral by age one. Within the pediatric dental specialty, ... [continue reading]
Sep 2 2015
It has been a very busy and productive year since I assumed the ODA presidency at the House of Delegates last September. My president-elect’s message took data from the recent “ADA Environmental Scan: A Profession in Transition,” (which can be found at and outlined my vision for the future of our profession, organized dentistry and ... [continue reading]
Sep 2 2015
I have spent the last couple of weeks being shocked and awed. I watch the news and can only shake my head. Just prior to the Republican presidential debate in Cleveland, “Wall Street Journal” columnist Peggy Noonan wrote, “[Donald Trump’s] rise is not due to his supporters’ anger at government. It is a gesture of ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.