165 posts found
Jan 29 2015
Dental team members from Dr. Hans Guter's office visit the Exhibit Hall at the 2014 ODA Annual Session. This year’s Annual Session - Excellence in Collaboration - will be Sept. 17-20 in Columbus. As the old adage goes: You’re only as good as your team.
The 149th ODA Annual Session will be held Sept. 17-20 at ... [continue reading]
Oct 7 2014
The 2014 ODA Annual Session featured CE for the entire dental team, included hands-on courses. The 2014 Ohio Dental Association Annual Session – ODA Live – featured continuing education, an expansive Exhibit Hall and special events for the entire dental team.
“There was a good feeling about the meeting this year. It ... [continue reading]
Sep 15 2014
Obtain CE credit verification for courses attended at the 2014 ODA Annual Session by clicking here.
To log in, attendees will need their badge/account number and the first four letters of their last name. Once logged in, attendees will need to enter the code received during each course in order to print a personalized CE ... [continue reading]
Aug 7 2014
Maura Gillison, MD, PhD – the first researcher to make the association of human papillomavirus (HPV) and oral cancer – will be speaking at the ODA Annual Session. Maura Gillison, MD, PhD – the first researcher to make the association of human papillomavirus (HPV) and oral cancer – will be speaking at the ODA Annual ... [continue reading]
Aug 7 2014
The ODA Annual Session Exhibit Hall will have more than 200 vendors. Attendees consistently rank the Exhibit Hall as one of the top reasons they attend Annual Session. The Exhibit Hall is consistently ranked in surveys as one of the top reasons dentists and dental team members attend the Ohio Dental Association Annual ... [continue reading]
Jul 2 2014
Getting deals on dental supplies and seeing the latest dental equipment are two of the top reasons dentists like to attend the ODA Annual Session. The Exhibit Hall is the largest in the five-state area. Famous authors and personalities have produced their “Top 10” lists. I have enlisted the help of Ohio dentists to put ... [continue reading]
Apr 4 2014
Dr. John Svirsky presents a course at the 2013 ODA Annual Session in Columbus. The Ohio Dental Association Annual Session offers general dentists, specialists, hygienists and all team members an opportunity to learn new skills and improve old skills that they can apply in their office right away.
After last year’s Annual ... [continue reading]
Feb 26 2014
Your staff will want to reserve the dates Sept. 11-14, 2014, in your office appointment books now. In just six months the dental community meets in Columbus for the Ohio Dental Association’s 148th Annual Session. There will be programs of interest for all members of the dental team. Dentists and hygienists who regularly attend the meetings can ... [continue reading]
Feb 26 2014
Annual Session attendees will have the opportunity to share dental practice information and earn continuing education (CE) credit, as well as cash prizes, by presenting a Table Clinic at the 2014 ODA Annual Session.
Table Clinics, which are informal, interactive presentations that last up to 15 minutes, are presented by dentists, dental students, ... [continue reading]
Jan 28 2014
The Ohio Dental Association’s 148th Annual Session, "ODA Live," is slated for Sept. 11-14, and it promises to be a lively meeting. The convention is the opportunity for dentists and their teams throughout the region to gather together to learn, share experiences and have a good time. Attending the meeting every year is an easy way to fulfill ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on oda.org are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on oda.org is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.