89 posts found
Apr 15 2020
The Ohio House of Representatives' newly created 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force, made up of a bipartisan cross section of 24 members of the Ohio House of Representatives, recently began its deliberations on creating a framework for when Ohio begins to lift restrictions on businesses. The task force has heard from health care experts on the ... [continue reading]
Apr 7 2020
We are truly in an unprecedented time when it comes to law making and the impact of the law on our society. When the governor made his first order during this nationwide pandemic it was truly an unprecedented decision. When the governor canceled the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus I was shocked and puzzled at how the government had the power to ... [continue reading]
Mar 4 2020
Attendees at the 2020 ODA Day at the Statehouse will have the opportunity to meet with their legislators and speak about issues important to dentistry. This year's event will be May 13. Day at the Statehouse, the Ohio Dental Association’s most important grassroots advocacy event, will be May 13 in Columbus.
Day at the Statehouse gives ... [continue reading]
Mar 4 2020
If you are watching TV, listening to the radio, or scrolling through the Internet and social media, it comes as no surprise to you that we are in an election year. The political ads are abundant and show no signs of stopping until November. The majority of the ads that you are seeing pertain to the presidential race, but I would encourage you to ... [continue reading]
Dec 12 2019
At the end of the year I think it is important to recap what has taken place over the past 12 months and ensure that moving into the new year we are ready to take on our advocacy tasks with a clear plan. The main topics of interest over the past year have been the non-covered services legislation, the rule making process for teledentistry and ... [continue reading]
Apr 4 2019
The November 2018 election is in the rearview mirror and many Ohioans are happy to see politics take a back seat for a while. The reality is, however, that legislators and policymakers will continue making decisions that impact your future as a dentist.
Health care remains in the midst of transformative change and many issues important to Ohio ... [continue reading]
Feb 1 2019
During the last hours of the 132nd General Assembly, Senate Bill 259 passed both houses. This legislation aims to increase access to care in Ohio. After passage in the General Assembly, Gov. John Kasich signed the bill into law Dec. 19, 2018. The elements of this bill will go into effect March 20. The paragraphs below aim to summarize the new law ... [continue reading]
Aug 30 2018
Eric Richmond, the ODA's new director of legal and legislative services, with his wife, Katelyn, and their daughter, Layla. Hello "ODA Today" readers, my name is Eric Richmond and I am the new director of legal and legislative services for the ODA. I would like to take the time to introduce myself during this month’s legal brief. I promise ... [continue reading]
Jan 31 2018
Policymakers routinely make decisions that impact dentists, dental patients and small businesses. The Ohio Dental Association, as part of its mission to support, protect and advance the interests of its member dentists, consistently monitors the issues before policymakers to ensure that dentistry’s interests are preserved.
While the ... [continue reading]
Jan 8 2018
The 132nd Ohio General Assembly is half way through its two-year term and has already considered several hundred bills. Many of these bills would have a direct impact on dentists, patients and small businesses. The Ohio Dental Association, as part of its mission to support, protect and advance the interests of its member dentists, consistently ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on oda.org are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on oda.org is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.