Dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, lab technicians, dental students and dental office personnel are invited to attend.
September 25-27, 2025
September 17-19, 2026
Please click here or request a Preview Program (available in the spring) by contacting the ODA at (614) 486-2700 or
Learn more about the ODA Annual Session registration here. Contact the ODA at (614) 486-2700 or request a program.
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The number of people covered by Medicare Advantage Plans has increased significantly in recent years. In fact, enrollment in publicly funded dental benefit plans, namely Medicaid and Medicare Advantage Plans, represent the segments of the dental benefits marketplace that have seen significant growth in recent years as enrollment growth in commercial or privately funded dental benefit plans has been modest at best.
For help navigating Medicare Advantage Plans, click here.
More information about scholarships and how to apply can be found here. Eligibility includes Ohio residency, academic excellence and financial need. Eligible students must be enrolled in a dental education program at a school with ADA accreditation and be members of ASDA.
Dental students who are ASDA members have access to the members-only section of the website. You can activate your account here. You will need to enter your ASDA number (using no hyphens) and an email address, and you will then create a password.
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In communication with patients, other practices or other practitioners there are certain circumstances where records can be requested, and it is important to understand your responsibilities when those scenarios arise. Ohio Revised Code section 3701.74, which includes dentists and dental hygienists by definition, is clear on one thing in this situation: patients have a right to review their records and/or obtain a copy of those records. Over the past few months, I have heard a few situations where patients were being asked to pay large amounts for their records or having records refused. I hope that this article will explain the requirements of what an office must do when a patient or their representative asks for records.
Ohio Revised Code section 3701.74, “Patient or patient’s representative to submit request to examine or obtain copy of medical record” states in pertinent part that a patient, patients’ personal representative, or an authorized person may request to examine or obtain a copy of part or all of a medical record. The request to view or obtain the records should be sent to the office holding the records and the request should be met within a reasonable time and the requestor should be allowed to view the records during normal business hours or be sent a copy. The only exception to this requirement is for a physician, psychologist, licensed professional clinical counselor, licensed professional counselor, independent social worker, social worker, independent marriage and family therapist, marriage and family therapist, or chiropractor which could deny the request based on the request being detrimental to the patient upon their professional judgement. Notice in the exception that dentists are not listed. The section further states that if a health care provider fails to furnish the medical record, the requestor may bring civil action to enforce their right to the record.
The other issue that is clear in the Code is that a health care provider may charge a fee that covers the cost to produce the record. ORC 3701.741, “Fees for providing copies of medical records” outlines the maximum fees an office can charge a patient or their personal representative. If the request is made by the patient or a patient’s personal representative, total costs for the copies shall not exceed the sum of (i) $2.74 per page for the first 10 pages; (ii) 57 cents per page for pages 11 through 50; (iii) 23 cents per page for pages 51 and higher; (b) With respect to data resulting from an x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed axial tomography (CAT) scan and recorded on paper or film, $1.87 per page; (c) The actual cost of any related postage incurred by the health care provider or medical records company. The section also goes on to outline requests made by authorized persons outside of the patient or personal representative which adds a $16 fee for searching the records but the same costs per page and/or x-ray apply. This is a clear statement of what can be charged. It is important to remember that there are no exceptions to this and a patient’s outstanding balance or ability to pay is not a factor in producing the records.
Whether you are the office requesting records on behalf of a new patient, a patient yourself, or the office that is producing the records, it is important to understand these sections of the Revised Code and the possible actions that can be taken to ensure records are produced. The important thing to remember about all of this is that the law is in place to ensure that each patient has a clear right to view and obtain a copy of their medical records and not be charged exorbitantly for them. If a request comes into the office for records and it is from a patient or a personal representative, which could be another office that the patient is authorizing to obtain records, the documents must be produced or the office could face civil action.
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When you join the ODA, you’re also joining the American Dental Association and your local dental society. The ADA, ODA and your local dental society have a tripartite membership structure meaning it provides you with membership at all three levels: local, state and national.The ODA dues invoice includes membership at all three levels.
Yes. You can join or renew your membership here.
Ohio Dental Association members who have retired from the practice of dentistry can receive ODA benefits at a fraction of the cost of active membership.
ODA members with Retired Membership status pay 25 percent of ODA active dues but receive 100 percent of the benefits. To qualify for Retired Membership, dentists must no longer earn an income of any kind by means of their dental license. Dentists must also submit an Affidavit for Retired Membership, which is then reviewed by the dentist’s local component society, the ODA and the American Dental Association.
Dentists who are interested in obtaining Retired Membership status should submit the Affidavit for Retired Membership to the ODA. Affidavits can be submitted by email, fax or mail.
Fax: (614) 486-0381
With our in-year installment dues payment program, you can pay your current year tripartite membership dues in monthly installments. Dues will be paid through ACH installments on an evenly spaced billing cycle, starting in December, resulting in five payments, and concluding in April. Click here to download an enrollment form.
The portion of dues used for advocacy to promote dentistry’s interests at the Statehouse and in Congress are non-deductible.
The ADA has determined that 7.2% of each member’s ADA dues is non-deductible and the ODA has determined that 15% of each member’s ODA dues is non-deductible. If your local society does not engage in any lobbying activities, your component society dues are entirely deductible. The association is required to provide its members reasonable estimates of the non-deductible portion of their dues. Please see the table on the right of your dues statement for the non-deductible dues amount for your membership class.
Association dues are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes. They may, however, be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses to the extent not allocated to lobbying expenditures. The portion of dues allocated to publications is $25 for the Journal of the American Dental Association, $8 for ADA News and $15 for ODA Today.
The Ohio Dental Association Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the ODA, committed to helping Ohioans. Its mission is to improve the oral health of the citizens of Ohio and enhance the dental profession in the state. The foundation is managed by a Board of Trustees and assisted by other ODA staff.
Through donor support, the ODA Foundation helps make a difference for future dentists and vulnerable populations in Ohio by awarding annual grants and scholarships. Hundreds of Ohio dental school students have received financial assistance and countless more uninsured and low-income Ohioans have received free dental care and a healthier smile thanks to community dental programs that we help.
The ODA Foundation is financially supported and continues to grow due to the generosity of dentists and other friends of the foundation, including the ODA and ODA Services Corp. Annual fundraisers and general donations are common forms of support. Investments are maintained in accordance with ODA investment policies and with the philosophy of “investing prudently and with diligence while attempting to obtain a return on investment equal to or greater than the current inflation rate,” as defined in the investment guidelines.
Yes. Donations can be made in honor of or in memory of any individual. To make a secure in-recognition of donation online, click here.
The ODA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation registered in the State of Ohio. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Consult with your financial and/or legal advisor for advice on the best form of giving for you.
There are many ways to give to the ODA Foundation:
- When you join or renew your membership with the ODA
- Participating in the annual fundraiser
- A donation made at any time during the year
- In honor or memory of an individual
- Through Kroger Community Rewards by linking your Kroger Card to the Foundation.
Contact the ODA Foundation to learn more about planned giving options by calling (800) 282-1526.
A willingness to volunteer and help the ODA Foundation continue to grow and help fund dental causes in Ohio is primary. Board trustees are asked to serve by example in their financial support of the ODA Foundation through involvement in foundation fundraising campaigns or events. Trustees serve a four-year term, and can serve three consecutive terms on the Board. The Board meets four times a year, with two meetings at the ODA office and two by conference call.
The ODA provides members with exclusive access to a variety of products and services through the ODA Services Corp. As an additional benefit, many of our endorsed products entitle ODA members to premium discounts.
A team of ODA Services Corp. staff members is available to help ODA member dentists purchase products and decide which will be a good fit for their practices. ODA Services Corp. representatives are experienced and are not paid through commissions, so their only interests are making sure dentists’ needs are met.
To contact an ODA Services Corp. representative, call (800) 282-1526 or email
ODA Services Corp. has researched and endorsed products and companies to help dentists save time and money. ODA Services Corp. helps dentists save money by securing discounts on products and services available exclusively for ODA members and by finding products and services that provide the best value for the price. ODA Services Corp. is overseen by a board of directors including ODA member dentists. Before endorsing a product or service, the board researches and tests it to make sure it is the best available and will fit Ohio dentists’ needs.
ODA Services Corp. representatives can also serve as liaisons between ODA members and endorsed companies because they have spent years building relationships at each company. If an ODA member should ever have a question or need to contact a company with a problem, ODA Services Corp. representatives can step in and get a quick response.
For more information, click here.
As an exclusive benefit to ODA members and their staff, ODA Services Corp. provides a one-stop health benefits solution that allows individuals the ability to control and manage benefits specific to their current needs. ODA members and their staff who need to enroll in benefits should call ODA Services Corp. at (800) 282-1526 to learn more about their options and for help enrolling in a plan. For more information, click here.
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Generally no, but some circumstances require a TDDD – click here to learn more.
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A use tax is a tax on the storage, lease, rental or purchase of tangible personal property for which no sales tax has been paid. The use tax has been in effect in Ohio for several decades. The purpose of the use tax is to protect Ohio vendors from unfair competition from out-of-state sellers. In-state merchants are required to collect sales tax when selling to an Ohio resident or business. Without the imposition of a use tax, the incentive would be for Ohioans to always look out of state for office purchases.
The use tax is most common with purchases made from an out-of-state vendor who does not charge sales tax; however, the use tax also applies to purchases within Ohio when not enough sales tax was charged. The use tax rate is equal to the sales tax rate in the county where the purchaser uses the property.
Service providers such as medical and dental offices are not exempt from the use tax. In fact, Ohio law specifically mentions dentists as falling within the definition of a consumer for purposes of the sales and use tax. The law outlines that those purchases made by dentists, physicians and other health care providers in connection with the practice of medicine and dentistry are taxable.
The department specifically identifies the purchases of medical equipment, gloves, masks, scrubs and other supplies as being subject to the use tax in its informational publication on service providers and the use tax. The purchase of office equipment such as computers, printers, desks, chairs and lamps, and the purchase of cleaning supplies, lawn care services and janitorial services are also subject to taxation. Finally, the department also considers the purchases of dental prosthetics, either with or without a prescription, from dental laboratories to be taxable.
In most instances, a sales tax is paid by the dentist at the time of purchase of these products. However, if no sales tax is paid, the purchase is subject to the state use tax. It is important for dentists to work with a tax professional to determine if use tax may be due and to begin the process to file payments.
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State regulations and the profession’s ethical code govern all types of dental advertisements. Television and radio spots, websites and all categories of print advertisements, including newspaper, magazines, yellow pages, signs, school or church bulletins, billboards and other mediums, are subject to regulation. There are several general rules that dentists should follow when engaged in advertising of any kind to avoid difficulties.
First and foremost, advertising must be truthful and accurate. State regulations and the American Dental Association’s “Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct” (“Code”) require that dental advertisements avoid statements that are false or misleading in nature.
Second, dentists should clearly announce to the public which dental practitioners are offering services in an office. Board rules require that the names and conferred degrees of all dentists offering to practice dentistry within a facility be listed prominently at the front or main entrance of the practice. The names of deceased or retired dentists should not be posted at the front or main entrance or be utilized in advertisements of any kind.
Dental board rules also require that all advertisements contain the name of the owner(s) of the dental practice and the dental degree that the owner was conferred. This requirement extends to any print, broadcast or Internet advertising (websites, social networking sites, etc.) and to any signs located outside of the office.
Third, the public should be aware of the level of training of the dentist advertising services. Accordingly, dental board rules require all specialists to list their ADA recognized specialty directly after or below his or her name in all advertisements. General dentists are also advised to list the term “general dentist” directly after or below their name in all advertisements. This is because board rules prohibit statements made by general dentists that advertise the rendering of specific dental services unless the advertisement also includes the phrase “general dentist.”
Use of the terms “family dentist,” “cosmetic dentist,” or “implant dentist” should be avoided. The board considers these terms misleading because they imply a level of specialty training to the public that is not recognized by the ADA. However, a dentist could use the phrase “family dental services,” “cosmetic services,” and/or “implant services” or similar derivations provided the term “general dentist” or the ADA-recognized specialty designation appears directly after or below the dentists’ name. General dentists may also advertise the provision of ADA-recognized specialty services if the term “general dentist” is used.
The board’s rules also address advertising in telephone books and other directories. Dentists are prohibited from advertising under telephone book headings that are not ADA-recognized specialties (i.e. cosmetic) or ADA-recognized specialties unless the dentist is a specialist in that area.
Finally, dentists should pay close attention to their advertising practices. A dentist is responsible for all content and placement of advertisements. Board rules require dentists to maintain in the office, for a period of at least two years, a copy of all advertising from print or broadcast media or via the Internet.
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Dentists must proceed with caution when interacting with government regulators. The Ohio State Dental Board, Ohio Department of Health, DEA, Ohio Board of Pharmacy, Ohio Attorney General’s office, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and other government entities all have some level of regulatory authority over a dental office and can impact an office’s ability to operate.
The Ohio State Dental Board is the primary regulator for the practice of dentistry. Accordingly, dentists should take all interactions with the board very seriously. Your dental license is your livelihood. The board’s primary purpose is to protect the public and investigate allegations of poor dental care and violations of safe practice standards.
Licensees may find themselves interacting with the board for several reasons. The most common disciplinary matters involve the failure to renew a license, substance abuse problems, standard of care deficiencies, CE violations and inappropriate prescribing.
While regulators are certainly not out to get dentists, it is generally best practice to minimize interaction with government regulators. If a dentist has a question about regulations or compliance issues, it may be best to consider contacting the ODA or another third party to obtain the information. As the saying goes: “out of sight, out of mind” and when dealing with government regulators that may not be a bad thing.
The ODA has created a regulatory compliance guide to help ODA members ensure they are in compliance with Ohio regulations. To download the guide, click here.
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The topic of electronic health records (EHR) continues to cause confusion for many dental practices. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, known commonly as the “stimulus bill,” authorized the federal government to create an incentive program to promote the use of EHR, but did not require the use of EHR by providers.
Dental offices that participate in the Medicaid program or are providers through Medicare may be eligible for monetary incentives if the offices adopt an EHR system that meets a “meaningful use” standard. “Meaningful use” has three general requirements; 1) the EHR must be “certified” and be usable in a meaningful way, such as for e-prescribing, 2) the EHR must be able to engage in the electronic exchange of health information in a way that improves quality of health care, and 3) the dentist must submit information on clinical quality measures.
If dental offices do convert to EHR, there are a few issues to consider. First, any EHR must be able to track the “chain of custody” of a record. This means that the system should record and archive the time, date and author of any changes to a patient chart. This tracking mechanism could prove important in future treatment decisions or in the defense of a lawsuit or other inquiry.
Second, dental offices must consider how the EHR information is stored and account for its safeguarding. Password protections, server integrity and backup are all issues to address with prospective EHR vendors. A data breach in an EHR system can be devastating for a practice.
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All employers are required to post numerous employment posters in their offices. Members can download posters by clicking here.
The ODA also can send all required posters to ODA members for $6 plus tax, which covers the cost of printing and shipping. To purchase employment posters from the ODA, call (800) 282-1526.
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Dentists are strongly cautioned to remember regular email is not a secure means of communication. It was not developed with any thought for privacy or security. Email is sent “in the clear,” subject to being viewed by unwanted eyes and should not be used to transmit patient protected health information (PHI), including to insurance companies or other dentists.
There are many free web-based and software-based services available for securely sending email, one-time messages, instant messages and encrypting files to send through email.
For more information, click here.
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The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals is an international approach to hazard communication, providing agreed criteria for classification of chemical hazards, and a standardized approach to label elements and safety data sheets.
To find information on the changes and requirements with regards to the GSH rule, click here.
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You can download the Start Talking! Form by clicking here. Learn more about the form and when you are required to use it by clicking here.
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Yes. The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) requires dentists, under the guidance of a medical physicist (radiation expert) to develop and implement a written quality control testing program to include test procedures, test frequencies and tolerance limits. This written quality control program must include an annual testing component to be performed by a radiation expert.
For more information, click here.
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A new law, which went into effect September 23, 2022, requires prescriptions for schedule II-controlled substances to be done electronically. However, those prescribers who write 50 or fewer schedule II prescriptions per year are exempted from the requirement. There are also exceptions in situations where it is impossible to write an e-prescription, such as dealing with power outages or internet connection issues.
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For those dentists who plan to write 50 or fewer schedule II prescriptions and do not plan to use e-prescribing, it would be prudent to track the prescriptions written in case proof is required that the exception has been met. Dentists who prescribe more than 50 schedule II prescriptions in a year and do not do so electronically could be subject to a fourth degree misdemeanor.
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The Ohio State Pharmacy Board provides information on who needs to register, how to register and when to access OARRS. For more information, visit the pharmacy board’s FAQs for prescribers by clicking here and find information from the pharmacy board about terminal distributor licensing of prescriber practices by clicking here.
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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has amended the final rule on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act to no longer require health care providers to include notices related to nondiscrimination and language assistance services in all significant communications.
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Browse the following links for more information:
How to Obtain a Dental Assistant Radiographer’s Permit
How to Obtain a Coronal Polishing Certificate
Administration of Local Anesthesia by Dental Hygienists
Checklist for hygienists to administer nitrous oxide
How to Obtain an Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) Registration
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The Ohio Dental Association has recently created a new regulatory compliance guide to help ODA members ensure they are in compliance with Ohio regulations.
The guide – “Ohio Dentist Advisor: Your Guide to Regulatory Compliance” – was created by the Ohio Dental Association as a benefit to ODA members. The Ohio State Dental Board, Ohio Department of Health, DEA, Ohio Board of Pharmacy, Ohio Attorney General’s office, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and other government entities all have some level of regulatory authority over a dental office and can impact an office’s ability to operate.
The guide includes summaries, checklists, and fillable forms to help offices ensure they are compliant with regulations. The guide can be downloaded in its entirety, or browsed by individual document.
Click here to view and download the guide.
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The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is requiring DEA-registered practitioners to complete 8 hours of training on treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.
All DEA-registered practitioners who renew their DEA registration on or after June 27, 2023 will be required to check a box affirming they have completed the new training requirement. This is a one-time training requirement and will not be part of future renewals, according to the DEA. Dentists who prescribe controlled substances are required to register with the DEA.
Click here to learn more.
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The Ohio Department of Health sets the requirements for dentomaxillofacial radiography in Administrative Code 3701. Dental offices are expected to have a written policy on the use of shielding based on the dentist’s professional judgement. The American Dental Association (ADA) and American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology have released recommendations on patient shielding during dentomaxillofacial radiography.
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The ODA has many opportunities for dentists to serve on councils and committees to help direct the organization and the profession of dentistry. For more information and to apply to become a volunteer leader with the ODA, click here.
Dental OPTIONS providers treat patients in need through donated and discounted care. Dentists have control over the number and type of patients they decide to treat. Referral coordinators link dentists with patients and take care of administrative tasks. For more information about the program, click here.
The ODA and ADA provide resources, services and guidance to help dentists plan and implement a Give Kids a Smile program at any time throughout the year. Give Kids a Smile programs range from basic screening and preventive care to full restorative. Dentists determine the type of care provided, location of the event, number of children they will see and the date of the event. If your office already partners with a school or community program to provide oral health education or free dental care, that event could count as a Give Kids A Smile event too. Instructions on how to hold an event can be found here. More information about Give Kids a Smile can be found here.
Dentists are encouraged to volunteer with the Dental OPTIONS and Give Kids A Smile programs to promote access to dental care in their local communities. For more information on how to get involved with these programs, see the questions above.
Volunteers are also needed to strengthen the dental safety net by providing care at dental clinics, access to care programs and other special events. Dentists can also earn volunteer CE credits for providing free care at qualifying programs: Volunteer CE Partners. The ODA Volunteer Connection webpage is dedicated to being a clearing house of programs in Ohio where dentists can earn volunteer CE. Click here to learn more.